High-Quality British Shorthair cat available in Hyderabad - Breed n Breeder - ₹ 90000

Dog / British Shorthair - Ads Posted On : 26-Aug-2023

India / Telangana / Hyderabad / Hyderabad

High-Quality British Shorthair cat available in Hyderabad - Breed n Breeder

Are You looking for a British Shorthair with a unique and vibrant cost at best price, consider an brown British Shorthair. Breed n Breeder have British Shorthair available for sale in Hyderabad. These British Shorthair have a lovely warm colour.


  • Breed : British Shorthair
  • Pets Gender : Both
  • Pets Age : 14-20 years
  • No Of Pets : 2
  • Price : ₹ 90000

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