Buy Shih Tzu dog online in Hyderabad - Breed n Breeder - ₹ 24000

Dog / - Ads Posted On : 25-Aug-2023

India / Telangana / Hyderabad / Hyderabad

Buy Shih Tzu dog online in Hyderabad - Breed n Breeder

We sale a variety of dogs at Breed n Breeder. Here you will find different types of dogs, you can buy according to your wish and you will get it at the good price. Shih Tzu need lots of exersice, loyal and protective nature, Shih Tzu can feel sad, happy, excited.


  • Breed :
  • Pets Gender : Both
  • Pets Age : 10-16 years
  • No Of Pets : 2
  • Price : ₹ 24000

Safety Tips for Buyers

Meet seller at a public place

Check the Pets before you buy

Pay after collecting the Pets

Seller Details :

Breed n Breeder



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