Saluki dog price in India - Breed n Breeder - ₹ 20000

Dog / Saluki dog - Ads Posted On : 03-Aug-2023

India / Maharashtra / Mumbai /

Saluki dog price in India - Breed n Breeder

The price of a Saluki dog in India can vary depending on factors such as the breeder's reputation, the dog's lineage, and its age. On average, a Saluki puppy may cost anywhere between ?30,000 to ?1,00,000 or more. It's essential to buy from a responsible breeder to ensure the health and well-being of the dog. Owning a Saluki comes with responsibilities, including regular grooming, exercise, and proper care. For more information, you can contact Breed n Breeder at +91-82-338-97-338.


  • Breed : Saluki dog
  • Pets Gender : Both
  • Pets Age :
  • No Of Pets : 30
  • Price : ₹ 20000

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Pay after collecting the Pets

Seller Details :

Breed n Breeder



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