Toy Poodle puppy price in Mumbai - Breed n Breeder - ₹ 55000

Dog / Toy Poodle - Ads Posted On : 01-Aug-2023

India / Maharashtra / Select City / Mumbai

Toy Poodle puppy price in Mumbai - Breed n Breeder

Toy Poodle prices in Mumbai-55000, can vary based on factors such as age, pedigree, size, and colour. At Breed n Breeder, you'll find a range of Poodle prices to suit various budgets. Whether you're looking for a budget-friendly option or are willing to invest more in a Poodle.


  • Breed : Toy Poodle
  • Pets Gender : Both
  • Pets Age : 50
  • No Of Pets : 35
  • Price : ₹ 55000

Safety Tips for Buyers

Meet seller at a public place

Check the Pets before you buy

Pay after collecting the Pets

Seller Details :

Breed n Breeder



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